You've probably noticed it before: the bucket hat. And if that name doesn't ring a bell. We're talking about the hat that looks a bit like an upside-down bucket. It's made of thin fabric, has a small brim and holes on the side. Fishermen like to wear this headgear. It's a practical hat that protects the head from rain and sun. But if you think that the bucket hat is only for men (or women) with a fishing rod, you're wrong. The hat is hot! Influencers and celebrities wear it and it even appears on the catwalk with some regularity. Hats have become a real fashion accessory in recent years. And, in our opinion, indispensable in your wardrobe this summer.

Where does the bucket hat come from?

The story of the bucket hat begins around the year 1900. It was worn by fishermen to protect them from the wind, sun and rain on the water. It was made of wool or tweed and the water-repellent properties of those fabrics made the hat waterproof. An ideal fisherman's hat!

From fisherman's hat to fashion accessory

Initially worn mainly by fishermen, in the second half of the previous century the bucket hat (again for those practical reasons) became part of the uniform of a soldier. From there it found its way into the fashion world. The hat was increasingly worn by both men and women. For practical reasons but also increasingly as a fashion item or to make a statement. It appears on the heads of famous rappers, musicians and film stars. Because of this, the popularity of the bucket hat naturally increased enormously and nowadays the bucket hat is even completely hip and happening !

Hats with benefits?

The hat is, just like in the old days, waterproof, which makes it ideal for any outdoor activity. It protects your head from the sun. Wonderful during warm, sunny summer days and always stylish. Two birds with one stone. You can easily store the hat and it fits in a small (jacket) pocket. If the hat is dirty, wash it out, just in the washing machine. A Bad hair day ? No problem! Put on a bucket hat and no one will see it. So easy.

The indispensable fashion accessory

The bucket hat is a contemporary and casual fashion item in every way. It can be combined with many of your favorite items. With a chino and polo for that casual look or with a nice jacket for a more formal style. The hat completes your outfit. Indispensable for on the road, on the terrace or as a spectator at a rowing or tennis match.

For various types of bucket hats, The English Hatter is the right place to go. We have a small but beautiful collection of bucket hats made of various materials and in various colours and designs. Feel welcome to visit one of our stores for personal and expert advice. You can also find all our bucket hats in the webshop, .